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Ideate, Iterate, Innovate

Ideate, Iterate, Innovate as a learner and a sharer.

Hi, my name is Tianyi, you can also call me "T".

I'm a product designer who is passionate about simplifying problem complexity, designing for product innovation, and advocating for user inclusion. Some of my fun projects include:

C3 AI | Leverage AI technologies to resolve complicated enterprise pain points and explore future-facing product concepts.

Google | Resolve accessibility challenges and improve comprehension issues for low-tech and low-literacy consumers.

Giaran, Inc | Co-found a start-up and get it acquired – Gift-wrap data vision research outcomes into user-centered product flow from scratch. 

Case Study

Sample projects to show an overview of the end-to-end design process, skill sets. No confidential constraints, 

Projects at Work

Collaborations with designer, researcher, writer, product manager, data scientists, engineers, and ML research scientists.


Some are not publicly available but can be shared during a portfolio review. 

Role: Senior Product Designer, Design lead for CRM 
Team: Designer, PM, Eng, Domain Expert
  • Designing for customer relationship management. 

  • Designing for mobile & desktop experience scalability. 

  • Building trust for Human & AI collaboration.

  • Designing for emerging technologies such as AI prediction, AI recommendation, AI interpretation. 

  • Designing for data visualization such as knowledge graph, heatmap, time series, geospatial, etc...

CRM Cover.png
Inclusive Design, Accessibility Design

Google Pay 

Role: UI/UX Designer, A11y Designer
Team: Visual Designer, UX Writer, UX Researcher, PM, Eng, QA
  • Defined accessibility MVP for GPay.

  • Designed for iOS VoiceOver and Andriod Talkback Interactions. 

  • Designed for 200% display enlargement.

  • Hosted educational workshops for Accessibility Design.

  • Researched user experience for visually impaired users. 

  • Designed for Google Payment Consumer Experience at Plex Team.

Role: Kleiner Perkins Design Fellow, Product Design Intern, UX Researcher
Team: PM, Eng, Stakeholder
  • Designed core product features for the business checking account.

  • Designed for mobile responsive. 

  • Designed for the component library. 

  • Designed the internal admin features for risk management. 

  • Designed physical debit card.

  • Conducted quantitative and qualitative user research.

Design for New Mobile Bank Users 
Role: Freelance Designer
Team: PM, Founders, Eng
  • Designed for branding and visual system.

  • Design the entire app for AlgoPay 2.0 release.

  • Designed for building trust and motivation for user onboarding. 

  • Designed both consumer and small business owner interfaces. 

  • Designed new mobile banks users from the middle east. 

Co-found a start-up from scratch
  • Raised multi-million capital fundings from venture capitals.

  • Designed and launched the app and web service for AI-powered augmented reality experience from scratch.

  • Worked closely with computer vision engineers to develop product strategy.

  • Presented digital product solutions to potential clients, which led to the company’s acquisition.

Tangible Interactions

Multi-disciplinary Product Design and Fabrication. 

Fun projects to explore. 

Get to know Me 

or my cat...

Let me know if you want to have a coffee chat, potential topics to discuss: Project, Inclusive design, Design for AI, Cat, Bubble Tea, Travel, etc....

Talk Soon!

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